Dr Liz Allison
Chairing: Session 1: How I do it?
Thursday 28th November at 13:30 to 15:00
Liz Allison is a Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist at Sheffield Children's Hospital.
Liz is a TIVA enthusiast and regularly delivers clinical lectures and interactive workshops on the subject of TIVA for children. She is a Faculty member for TIVA for Tots and part of a team who endeavour to make TIVA for children more achievable.
The anaesthetic department at Sheffield Children's Hospital have embraced TIVA in children and it is now the anaesthetic of choice for the majority of patients.
Professor John Sear
Chairing: Session 2: Science
Thursday 28th November at 15:45 to 17:15
Trained at London Hospital Medical College and University of London – BSc (Hons) Biochemistry and MBBS.
Junior Posts in Anaesthesia – London Hospital (SHO); Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, and United Bristol Hospitals, and Frenchay Hospital (Registrar); Various Bristol hospitals (Lecturer and Hon. Senior Registrar).
Appointed to Clinical Readership, University of Oxford 1982-2002; promoted to personal chair in anaesthesia 2002. Retired from clinical practice 2010.
1977-80: MRC funded training fellowship, Department of Biochemistry (and Anaesthesia) University of Bristol – awarded PhD July 1981.
Moved to Oxford – January 1982, Retired from clinical practice 2010.
Research interests:
Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of IV anaesthetic agents
Development of concepts of Intravenous anaesthesia (including administration of FIRST DOSE OF PRESENT FORMULATION OF PROPOFOL to humans,1982)
Evaluation of a number of other IV anaesthetic agents.
Founder member of SIVA-UK (and of SIVA-USA; now known as ISAP – International Society of Anesthetic Pharmacology).
President SIVA-UK 1999-2002; and President of ISAP 2002-03.
Dr Susan Williams
Chairing: Session 3: TIVA in Austere Environments
Friday 29th November at 09:15 to 10:45
​I am a consultant anaesthetist working at Northampton General Hospital. I've been on the SIVA committee since 2018 firstly as Trainee Representative and then as an elected Committee Member.
Dr PNT Laloe
Chairing: Session 4: Infographics and Wellbeing?
Friday 29th November at 11:30 to 13:00
Dr Pnt Laloë is a consultant anaesthetist & intensivist in University Hospital Monklands in North Lanarkshire, Scotland. He is the SIVA Honorary Treasurer.
Originally from Louisiana, Pnt moved to London age 8 and after studying medicine in Dundee (q2003), he embarked on a career in anaesthetics and critical care across England (Cumbria, West Midlands & Yorkshire) before moving back to Scotland in 2023. His interests include: TIVA, patient safety, central venous access, anaphylaxis & human factors.